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Só espero uma versão para Android 👍


love the game and cant wait for the weight gain updates to be out!


When will version 0.8 be released?

(3 edits) (+5)

Amazing game. I love pretty much everything about it. The gameplay is strong, the sounds are wonderful, and vore is the icing on the cake. 5/5 stars in my opinion.

edit: as of recently I have learned you can beat the blind drake into submission, my rating is would now be 6/5 stars


Thank you so much!! There's still lots to come so I'm glad you're enjoying it already as it is :)


Will it be on mobile?


I'm not yet sure, but it's something I'll be looking into in the future - I'll have to look into licensing for my game engine and making sure the game is optimized enough to be able to run on mobile devices.


I can't find Alien. Where are them?


put a option to fart pls

(2 edits) (+13)

Found your game after seeing it by Hoheristo's Youtube Channel now known as Kusemek. I had to reverse google image search. He's a jackass who bans anyone in the comments who names the games he previews, hiding the search terms behind a patreon wall even though he didn't make the game he's showing off. I'm glad I found you, the game looks fun. :) Thank you for all your hard work. That's his channel if you wanna copyright strike him, as he hides crediting your work behind a paywall. He lists neither title nor author of the work.


spread the word on other game forums/creators he posts on his yt


Yeah, I exchanged words with them at one point many months back, and they agreed that they'd credit me and list the game's name in the description, which they did for a couple videos, but that has since disappeared again. I've been looking in to issuing copyright strikes, but I'm not yet totally sure whether or not those can be used in this instance. It's an issue I'm certainly looking in to though.

Thanks for notifying me though and thank you for your support!! I'm glad you enjoy the game :)


Can't say the name because Youtube will ban him. Just be happy he shared it in the first place. Dude is already bending the rules a bit far when it comes to Youtube videos. I know his last channel was killed because of it when he just did speedruns all day. If anything throw hate on Youtube for not sticking to real adult tags.


Are you defending Kusemek? Even though everything Yuni said is true?

(3 edits) (+4)

The problem Lupy is that's not true. There's other channels on YouTube that do hentai game runs and DO share the name, if carefully and don't get banned. Here's one: VDZ Games always shares their title and they don't get banned. See? They clearly state that game is "Super Mamono Sisters" and it's still up, with thousands of views. Kuzemek saying he'll be banned if he mentions it is simply incorrect.
Here's another problem: If what you say is true why does he have to paywall the names? Could he not simply just share the names on the PUBLIC half of his patreon? You know, the platform that allows NSFW content? Why is the simple name of the game behind a $10 paywall? He could link offsite to somewhere that lists the names easily, even a simple notepad file that is publicly hosted.
Plain and simple, Kusemek monetizes other people's work without crediting the author and therefore should be copyright struck for it. Even reaction youtubers list what they are reacting to.


That guy knows how to earn money while playing these games , just dont share name unless peasants buy patreon lol

Bug. As I was running to this DNA modification device (coming from the left), while I was still running I pressed Z and my character got stuck running in place and would not move left or right. So I was stuck in this location while running animation was still going. I pressed left and character faced left, still stuck and in running animation. I pressed right, character faced right and still stuck in running animation and not moving. I got unstuck by jumping.


Enemy on left got stuck when it tried jumping down to attack me after spotting me. It later got unstuck when I manipulated it to jump.

PS: This game is awesome. First saw vids of it a year ago and wanted to play it so bad. Glad you released alpha version :)


Same glitch happened again twice at different locations. 

Image A, I knocked out the enemy where the X is, on that platform. Then when i jumped down to the platform below, the enemy clipped through part way and was stuck in midair like this.

Image B I attacked enemy with Z, enemy against the wall where arrow is pointing, then it clipped through when I knocked it out. Might have been the kick that was the finishing blow, i don't remember.


how do you even download it on an iphone


who said anything about iphone? This game is only for windows or linux if you use wine.

I've seen this collision bug a few times in the past - I've since reworked the collision system in the current build and I believe I've fixed most instances of this issue, so by the time the public version here is updated this issue should be gone!

Bro, ur link for discord is expired. Can u pls updated it?


the link to the discord is not working  DraconicSyntax

do you know why this is?

thats expired


cant wait for the next update


Android version😟


Does this look like a game that could be played an a phone? There are too many controls to crowd the screen with them, and there's already a lot of UI elements. It's just not feasible.


Been following this project for a while, I think it's a worthwhile time, even if there's not much to do with it right now. keep up the good work!

Thank you!!

where can I find the saved files?


AppData -> Local -> v_platformer


pretty awesome BUT i want to mod the game with more capacity or does anyone have the build without any capacity limits for mia

also 10/10 game smooth animations


I'll be adding up to 4 capacity soon, I don't think mods exist that increase capacity yet. Thank you though!


Are there mods at all? XD

  • Will there be new types of vore later on in the game?
  • will there be new patches next update?
  • transportation?(besides sliding)
  • ammo types and etc...

if so I hope for the best

There will be several more types of predators in the game later, most will be focused on oral vore (maybe absorbtion in cases of slime enemies). I'm not sure what you mean by patches in the next update, and I'm not sure about transportation methods either yet. There will be other ammo types and ways to upgrade the gun, as well as other firing functions.


Quite a great game, I must say! I can easily see the potential in this project, and I'm excited to see how it progresses!


Amazing game, it will be dream if all this project end well


Got a good library of vore sounds. Go online and type in "Vore Day 2020 Soundpack".

It should have a good selection to choose from. Will be keepin my eye out for more.


This is a really good game. Is there any way you can add an increase to the stomach capacity as an upgrade for future updates?


I'll be shifting it to be an upgrade like the rest of the abilities, and you'll eventually be able to go up to 4 prey

ig player will not be able to move until digest at least one prey lol


I wish that i could help with this game in any way i can, alas, I have no experience making games.


the discond link isn't working

at lest for me


i saw one youtuber defeated and ate the dragon, how to do this?



Hey i know him, its just a fake vid

that's fake


You mean Kusemek? That's just an edited thumbnail, and the vid doesn't even show the dragon(the one I saw at least), it's all so clickbaity.


This game is great.  I look forward to seeing how it develops!

I've been looking this game up on occasion now for a while and this is the only time I've found a download for the game aside from Patreon and I prefer to play a demo of a game before supporting it if I can but the website says its been here for like two months. I guess it's because I switched my browser.

Deleted 294 days ago

It's moving/sprinting in one direction, and holding the opposite direction after enough speed- like holding D, then holding A to move back. Mia does a little skid to show that they're sliding.

(1 edit)

The smooth, in-depth animations remind me of Haley's Treasure Adventure ( - and I absolutely love it! It's a telltale mark of good development, and I can't wait to see how this progresses. (Plus the detail of the exhausted, tuckered-out expression at 3.)

Thank you!! The animations have been a lot of work but I'm glad they're paying off

I don't doubt that they're a lot of work! Can't wait to see 4th stage. (As well, perhaps a bit more incentive/capability for keeping live prey hostage!)


Do you mind adding new sizes into the game, like you need to find a way where you can expand size of eating, idk but the game's still cool! That would add a new gameplay system.


I feel like the way to do this would be to limit the size at the start and have one of your upgrades be "belly size" or something like that, that would mean that you could prioritise getting big belly and big defence, or go for more of a lean build.

But idk, at the end of the day I'm not the dev and I don't know how hard it would be to implement a system like that


I need this for my steam deck. Is there a Linux version of this game?


Not yet - however, you may be able to run it on the Steam Deck if you run windows on it, which I believe the Deck can do

(1 edit)

is there a way you could make a second version that every time she digests, she gets fatter or gains weight it would be an exciting experience for me.

Like This

Rule 34 - 3girls bbw before and after belly belly bulge big belly big ...

Or like this 

this reminds me Glup Glup Glup Glup LOL

When will it be updated next time


will you be able to eat the dragon?

Not yet. But eventually.

hi creator, would you be able to put this game of yours on joiplay so we can play it on android

That's going to take awhile. This game would need to be reformatted first.

But you can do it 

Not quickly, he can't.

didn't joiplay running rpgmaker games only?


when will this game be able to be played on browser?

I haven't looked into the requirements for browser exports yet and what all would be required, but I'll be keeping it in mind!


Just wanted to say I love the game so far, and I'm definitely looking forward to the addition of weight gain and being able to eat more prey!


Thank you, glad you're enjoying it!

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