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OMG lo descargo ya mismo

10/10 work, amazing as always.

YES!!!, my glutt feeling was right

I just randomly went on because I was bored and then I saw this, amazing game btw

But why she dont have game.exe



Will this have weight gain?


Hopefully someday, but it will require literal tens of thousands of extra frames of animation just to get 2 extra weight levels in


IS there any plans to make a mobile version?

It's absolutely something I want to look into, but there are a few hurdles I have to clear first


Sure, i Will wait with patience 🩵 (undertale)


Any time soon?

(1 edit) (-2)

Hello? Are  you still there?


Does anybody know how to open the Debug menu



when will the next update release draco ?


I Have 2 Suggestions: 1, Mia's Breasts Should Grow Depending On How Many People She Eats. 2, Mia's Suit Should Be Damaged Based On A. How Many People Are In Her Gut,  B, How Much She Moves Around, And C, How Much Damage She Takes (Her Suit Doesn't Heal). If Her Suit Takes Too Much Wear And Tear, Her Stomach And Boobs Pop Out!

(4 edits) (+2)(-6)

Let draco decide although that ideas sound outstanding


It says there under longer term goals that weight gain is planned.


could you add more voreable people pls


More enemies will be added in later updates.

(1 edit)

do you have a discord server draco ?

they have a discord link in this itch page

yeah but it didn’t work


yeah i think thats due to a discord update which doesnt let you make permanent server links unless your a community server, that probably means that link expired

(1 edit)

So how can i join it ? the link is expired or valid in my discord 

i just did a quick little test, the link seems to be working for me

is the game still being worked on?


I think 

its dead   


I don't believe it's dead, the creator said more stuff towards the end of the month on Patreon.


what is the last time the dev post something?


it 2023 perhaps




Still in development, this update has just taken extra long because all the player sprites are being overhauled, and the player has several thousand frames of animation


wow ,didnt expect your appearance.

speaking of the update,how fast will the new update be unleashed?



or 2025?


It will be out sometime this month for patrons, and then the public update here on itch will follow a couple weeks after, depending on how many bug reports I get

the dev is still actively developing the game, just that they were doing a major sprite overhall which takes a lot of time, along with other things.


Would love to see further mods in game to increase belly size from eating more than 3 prey


otro día mas esperando una actualización :v


Could we get an updated discord invite?


will you ad the ability to eat the dragon ?


Really great game, keep up the good work and I look forward to future updates!


how enabled debugger mod?


And also increase the chance of an attack of robots in the belly, otherwise it is impossible to catch this attack when it has eaten 3 robots

The developer, I have an idea, added such a function that if something lies in the stomach, it will produce gas, and the stomach scale will fill up, the longer it lies in the stomach, the faster the scale fills up, will you add it?


will you ever make a web way to play?

Possibly, I'll have to see if the engine I use allows exporting for web (and if my engine license allows for it)



I've seen others play this game on youtube, and I can't wait to play it myself. Though I have one question, have you ever thought of adding a weight gain physics? Like depending on how many baddies you consume, you gain.

I'm hoping to add weight gain eventually, but there are currently some 4,000+ frames of animation for the player and each weight level I add will basically mean making an additional 4,000+ frames per weight level, so it will be a while


when will the next update release ?


Its been taking a while due to the overhaul of all the player sprites (some 4,000-5,000 frames), but I've been getting fairly close to finishing - the update should be ready for Patreon supporters sometime in April, with the public update coming not too long after that


any thoughts on permeant weight being gained by the player for all the enemies that they devour. the more people they eat the fatter they get causing them to become slower and jump a smaller height compared to their base jump height?

Depending on the circumstances you can use fat to help with character upgrades and in order to revert back to previous weights you press a button to do quick exercises. 

I know it would require more coding but what do you think of weight gain, and could it be a thing in the game? 


Weight gain is something I'm planning, but it will be a long while before it's added as it will require a TON more sprites, something in the realm of 10,000 new frames of animation if I have just 2 extra weight levels.


could u make it that after u digest and absorb prey u have to burp out the bones like the manual digestion with the differnce being that the remains has to be disposed of or else it would take space?

will u do something gore related with it?

like maybe in the long run are u thinking of making the bone/skull burped match the number of prey swallowed? or maybe if a digested prey in belly but not absorbed yet and mia vomited it it would be digested flesh with bones 

i know its a very long shot but im just asking if u are thinking about it 

cuz i rly cant imagine how whould u animate blody gore vomiting or more detailed remains but i had to ask im rly curios

and by the way ur game is amazing as it is and thanks for making it i imagine its very hard to make it but again im curios are you considering something like that?


I'll be doing some tweaks for bones in the future, such as making sure a skull is generated for each enemy, as well as having some other things that can be burped up, like clothes and armor or items. Beyond that I'm not sure, it's too early to say.


If you know when will there be a mobile version?

Not sure when, it'll have to come after the majority of main development is done, but I'll definitely be looking into it

ok got it.


Any thoughts on adding anal vore?

Deleted post

Oral vore will be the main form of vore for things in the game, though if modders want to create alternate animations for things like anal vore it should be simple enough (technically just an alternate "swallow" animation I believe). I don't know if I personally will add alternate forms of vore like that, but if I do it will be an optional thing, and it will only come after the entity gets oral vore capabilities.


When will the next update done ?


Love the game seeing weight gain in the longer term plans hurts but as they say save the best for last B). even thow im sure its cuz thats a lot of new models they will have to make with there own animetion then re do the same thing for any and all exsisting skins / upcomeing skins be sure to take proper rest and hand streches that sit can hurt! O.o


Exactly, need to make sure I've got all other animations finalized before considering making weight gain ones so I don't have to redo so much!


My english not very good. 

I really enjoyed this game. For main game core design that one person did this is a lot. Link to discord isn't working, so i can not join.  Thanks for this experience, i'm waiting for new updates. I also want to help with your project, but actually don't know how can i. Maybe i'll found some points where i may help in discord server.

but anyways thanks and good luck!

me too 


will there be updates?


yes it just will take a while


if you read this comment I liked the idea of the game, and it will be more popular if you complete it and add more content. It does not have to be about the story. You can write it however you want, but the important thing is please do not abandon developing the game because I will be impatiently waiting for the new update!

I really enjoy this game, but I think it should prioritize completing the red dinosaur and adding more levels. Also, I believe the lighting is too dark and not friendly to many players. Lastly, I hope to see a stomach that can accommodate four prey.I hope you can maintain a calm mindset and complete the remaining parts.

I want to see more huge enemies and can be swallowed in this game.

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I'd love to do alternate character skins, but the current character is already going to have around 5,000 frames of animation when all is said and done - if I made more characters, it'd be a LOT more animating. I would still like to add male alternates at some point though, but it may depend on if I can find more animators to help out.

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heres a little bit of info about the stomach size list

Full 0: you can move smoothly, without anything.

Full 1: you can move slower than usual.

Full 2: same with full 1, but you move even slower.

Full 3: same with full 2. even slower at this point.

Full 4: you can move, but incredibly slowly.

Full 5 (if you want a immobile stage): You can't move at all, and digestion rate is way worse.

yeah. i hope you add this or something.


This is about what I'll be doing, but immobility will be at full 4 - the sprite count has already gotten a bit too out of hand for another size, and honestly I'm not sure how to animate running with a size 4 belly lol

mmm that's okay

Don't run then, drag. =P

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